Benefits of Social Media

Benefits of The Using of Social Media Social media has changed the way we communicate today. It is in our best interest to be aware of all of the new possibilities for managing our online reputation. In the scenario of using social media like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, or whatever it is, using the social media , lines between professional and personal and their differences also started to become blurred and many times, we love to refer to the existence of our online presence as our “personal brand”. Your personal brand can be included with both “personal” and “you”.   Here are some useful benefits of using social media:-   1. Build relationships. Social media is not just for brands to connect with their customers. In fact, the core of it is about social media connecting people with people. From a professional perspective, you can greatly enhance your professional network online by connecting with colleagues, mentors, role models, and other professionals. If yo...

Which Programming Language Should You Learn First As A Beginner


Which Language Should You Learn First!

- Knowledge Canvas

A language is nothing but a way of representing your thought in the real-world by using proper syntax. We, all human beings, communicate with each other in our own language. It’s very often that, from country to country, the languages are also varied. Hence, to communicate with a person, belonging to another country, we should learn his/her country-language or we should develop a generalized language to build up a bridge of mutual communication for understanding the words of each other.

Comparing with the realistic world of human beings, computer languages are nothing more different than that. A computer is an electronic device or a machine with which, we should communicate with its own language. Computer languages are nothing but the way of that communication between human beings and a computer system. A computer doesn’t know human languages. It doesn’t know English, French, Hindi, Bengali, Russian or other languages, rather than that, It knows only machine language ( Language, readable by machines ). Now to communicate with the Computer system ( more precisely with machinery system) properly, it’s our responsibility to learn Computer languages with proper syntax. As there are several languages among the people, residing in the whole world, like the same way, there are many computer languages too with which we can communicate with computers.

Though there are different computer languages, available for the developers for different fields of work but still as a beginner, you should think first that – “ Which Language Should I Learn First ” for entering into the world of programming. Though there are several programming languages having their own colors and flavors, yet it’s really very difficult for you as a beginner to choose The Language To Start Your Journey. If you are in such kind of trouble and still are puzzled to choose the correct programming language to begin your coding life, then absolutely you are in the right place. In this article, we will discuss each and every point briefly, regarding the question – “ Which Language I Should Learn First As A Beginner? ”

So, don’t worry and go through the article till the last and you will surely find all the answers to your doubts.

Now, before answering this question, let discuss the variety of languages that you should learn at any point of your journey. If you are from a technical background i.e. if your domain of study belongs to Computer Science & Technology, then you should definitely be acquainted with the way of programming with a great knowledge of different programming languages. Being a part of this era of technology, you should definitely be familiar with the Programming Languages That Are Essential For 2020-2021.

Now, comparing with the modern time, the programming languages like – C, C# C++, Java, Python, Angular, Ruby, Kotlin, Javascript, etc has become one of the most popular languages of all. These are the Programming Languages You Should Learn To Get Job in the field of technology with a good salary range.

Whether you belong from a technical background or a non-technical background, if you have the interest to get into the IT Industry then you should must learn almost all the Languages For Computer Science field. Don’t worry, if you find the words heavy for you. Always remember one thing that, being a human being, you need not learn all the languages on this earth but you should learn a generalized language by which you can communicate with the other one. In the same way, you need not learn all the languages up to a master level. But you must have to be the master of at least two or three languages and it will be better if you become familiar with all the other computer languages too.

Now, it’s very frequent among the students throughout the whole world-wide that – “ Which Language Should I Learn First? ” or “ Which Is The Best Language To Start With ?”

The answers to these two questions have many contradictions among them. Someone will say that Python Is The Best Language To Start With, on the other hand, someone will say that C Is The Best for Beginners. Some others will say that C++ Is The Ideal Programming Language To Learn First For Beginners. So, there are many conflicts among the thoughts of different peoples and it also varies from person to person. If you are an absolute beginner having no prior knowledge about programming, then, first of all, you should not be feared of thinking whether you can learn programming or not. Always remember that you have to learn it and you have to achieve your success.

Now, let’s assume that you are from a non-technical background and have the interest to get into the IT Industry. Now you may be puzzled by thinking that – “ Being From Non-Technical Background Which Language I Should Learn ?”


Which Language You Should Learn As A Beginner?

Now, whether you belong from a non-technical background or are an absolute beginner, You should definitely go for the language that will be most suited for building a strong foundation for your programming career. If you are looking for the Language You Should Learn As A Beginner, then definitely you should go for the C programming Language without looking anywhere else.


Why C Language?

The C programming language is the most basic language that has arrived first among all the other programming languages. All the other languages basically inherit the properties of the C Language. As C is the most basic language of all and has a simplified structure of coding, you should definitely go for it without any doubt, if you really want to learn all the programming concepts. Hence, as a programming language, C Is The Best Language To Learn Programming From Scratch.


Whether you are looking for the beginning of a new career in software development, or coding as a hobby, or even just to develop your knowledge, the most important thing that you should think first is that –“ Which Programming Language I should learn first? ”. Now, the answers may vary according to the aspects of your interest.

Of course, there is no exact answer to your question. The preference of The Language That You Should Learn First As A Beginner always varies according to the choice of your desires. Just for example,

  • ·         If you want to take your first step towards the educational life and then want to start your career in a technical industry then you should first learn C Programming Language As A Beginner.
  • ·         If you want to code, just for your enjoyment then you should go for the Python Language as the skeleton of Python Language is the one which has the simplest structure and is really enjoyable to code.
  • ·         If you have an interest in developing android, ISO, or Windows game, by using the platform Unity, then you should definitely learn C# language to start your career in Game Development.
  • ·           If you have the self-interest to start your career as a web developer then you should definitely be well familiar with Javascript as it is used widely in the field of website development.
  • ·           Now,  if you want to go with android development then definitely you should learn Java & Kotlin as these two languages are used for developing android applications using the platform Android Studio.
  • ·          If you want to start your career by establishing your own startups then you should learn the Ruby language very well.

Always remember one thing that, To be successful in the field of coding whether for a hobby or start your career or acquire a new skill or whatever your purpose is, You Should First Learn Any One Language and become a master of it. If you become the master of any one programming language whether it is C, C++, Java, Python, or Javascript, you will see that the programming structure of the other languages are almost the same as the language you know. There are basically no differences between the languages. If you study any one of the languages very well then you will found that the building block of the skeleton of every language is almost the same, just the syntax i.e. the way of representations are different. Hence if you are thinking that Which Language You Should Learn First As A Beginner then definitely you can choose any of them among the languages, mentioned above.

Now, If your doubts are not cleared still now, let’s discuss each and every aspect of each language elaborately and take the discussion to the other level. One more time, as a beginner, it’s really a great question – Which Language Is Best To Start With. Let’s discuss the question again but in an elaborate way.


C Programming Language

C is the most basic programming language and called the mother of the other programming languages. Though the syntax i.e. the way of its representation is a little bit tricky or you can say that as the syntax of C language is a little hard, many of the programmers will advise not to start your programming career with C language. But if you are looking for building a strong foundation and concept related to programming then definitely you should go for the learning of C Programming Language without looking for anywhere else. As C is known as the mother of all languages, hence its structure is basically inherited among the other languages. In C, you have to learn each and every concept related to programming from the basics. You have to dive deeper and deeper inside the contents of the language and that not only help you to know about every little concept regarding coding but also will help you to build a strong foundation about programming that will surely help you to learn a new programming language in future without any overwork.

Hence, If you want to start your career with a strong foundation for your education as well as for the jobs related to software development in technical industries, then you should definitely go for the C Programming Language As A Starting Language.

Actually the tech industries, basically look for the basic clear concepts related to programming. Now as the languages like Java or Python is more advanced than C programming language, hence many operations (basically, operations related to data structures) are already pre-defined in Java and Python. Hence you need not write the entire code but only the specific keyword related to it. Though this is more way to beneficial, still the drawbacks are that you will never know the structural concepts of a programming language. At the time of the interview, you will be asked to show the structural concepts but not only the keywords. Hence you will be asked from the language related to C or C++. Though C ++ is quite similar to C language but still it’s recommended to learn the C language before C++.

If you are an absolute beginner and want to Learn C Programming Language From Scratch, then definitely watch this video to build a strong foundation related to C programming language - Programming Cloud | Learn C From Scratch


Python Language

Now, in the scenario where you are searching for The Best Programming Language To Learn First for the purpose of adding an extra hobby, then you should definitely go for one of the finest languages Python. There is plenty number of reasons for which you should learn the Python language. First of all, the syntax of Python is really much more easier than any other programming language. There are several pre-defined functions that make the work easier for the programmer. Hence Python is The Best Programming Language To Learn First if you are looking for a language that will be fun to learn. Second of all, Python is becoming more and more popular in the industry. The field of work of Python is much more higher than any other languages. There are several technical lines that basically depend on the Python programming language such as – Machine Learning, Data Science, Data Processing, and so on. The demand for the Python Language is growing day by day. Hence, if you desire to learn Python as your first language then it will not be a bad choice. Python is no doubt, The Best Programming Language In 2020-2021 that you should choose as your first language and that will not be definitely a bad choice for you. Third of all, if you are looking for a language with Object-Oriented Features, then you should go with the language Python. Interpreter based compilation and powerful Object-Oriented nature make the Python Language one of the Most Popular Languages Of 2020 and 2021.


Java is an Object-Oriented heavy featured programming language that has a sharp and high rising demand in the field of growing industries. Java follows the rules –“ Write Once, Run Anywhere ” i.e. Java code is written in any device can be run on any other device too. It’s a language that works on a cross-platform. This makes the Java language one of the most popular and high demand languages. If you are looking for starting your career in the field of android or ISO app development or any software development with a high-paid salary then definitely you should choose Java Programming language as Your First Programming Language To Learn. Though the syntax of Java is quite tough, but still its OOP feature and beginner-friendly structure make it popular comparing the other languages. So, if you are looking for software development or android/ISO development with a high-paid salary in the leading industries then definitely it will be a great option if you choose Java As Your First Language.



If you are aiming for starting your career in web development then you must have to learn Javascript. Web development is basically divided into two halves – front end or web designing and the back end development. Now if you are looking for a great role in web development in any leading industries then you should learn Javascript must. Javascript is an incredibly popular web programming language that is used almost on every website you visit daily, like Gmail, Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, etc. Javascript along with HTML & CSS is used to build a highly attractive and interactive website.

Because of its high popularity, there are several fields in which Javascript is used like – Test Automation framework, Back-end development, etc. It’s easy to understand and learn.

So, if you are looking for starting your career in the leading industries like Facebook, Google, Amazon, Flipkart, or Paytm with a high salary package, then you should definitely learn Javascript. This is no doubt a great choice for you as The Best Language To Learn First.



Ruby is similar to Python that has an up-growing industrial demand because of its awesome full-stack development framework, Ruby on Rails, that is becoming incredibly popular among the startups and solutions for the enterprises. Though the structural skeleton of Ruby makes it a Popular Language To Learn First but still, there are various drawbacks when it comes to the scenario of maintaining a large website and performance of scalability across a large system. Besides these, because of having easy syntax and structure to code with Ruby, your learning curve may goes down that will decrease the fundamental concepts of you related to programming.


So, if we generalize the idea that we have discussed so far on the topic of choosing Best Programming Language To Learn For 2020, we can tell that –

  • o   If you are looking for building a strong foundation regarding programming and want to be a master of coding then you should choose C Language As Your First Language.
  • o   If you are looking for learning something easy for fun then definitely, Pyhton will be the Best Programming Language To Learn First.
  • o   If you are aiming for a high-paid software-related job as well as making android and ISO apps, then you should choose Java and Learn Java From Scratch.
  • o  If you are searching for the Best Programming Language For Web Development to start your career in the field of web development then definitely you should learn Javascript as it is one of the Most Popular Programming Language among the developers.
  • o   If you are interested to build your startup’s website, then you can go for Ruby.
  • o   Now, for extra, if you have a question in your mind about – “ What Programming Language Should I Learn For Game Development ”, then definitely you should learn C# as this is no doubt a great language if you want to build interesting games by using Unity Platform.


Always remember one thing that, the basic structural way of representing every language is almost the same as others. If you learn any one language from scratch to an advanced level, then you will be able to learn any other programming language within a short span of time. So, if you are looking for the Best Programming Language To Learn First then definitely you should pick any one language first, according to your choice, and start to learn it from the basics. Now, if you are able to complete the language and become a master of it, then it’s recommended to go for the other languages too. No, if you are an absolute beginner and want to learn programming from the scratch then my personal suggestion is that – You should go with either with C language (Mostly Recommended) or Python. So, if you are looking for - “ Which Programming Language Should I Learn First As A Beginner ”, then this article might help you a lot.

J Thanks for giving your valuable time to read this article J


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